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Hi, I’m Jade and I’m the owner of Auntie Jade’s Pet Care. I have been successfully growing this business for just over 7 years now. I previously worked in retail as a supervisor, for nearly 10 years but towards the end, I knew it just wasn’t for me.

We have always had dogs in the family. More the ‘family pets’ but I grew such a bond with them early on. Then when I was 19, I got my first dog, Bentley, my Staffordshire Bull Terrier. He was the love of my life. He taught me what unconditional love and loyalty is. He was my ‘untrained’ therapy dog whilst I suffered from severe anxiety.

Without talking too much about Bentley (as much as I’d love to!) the idea to work with dogs first began when I became interested in photography. Specifically pet photography. I used Bentley to practice on and then photographed friends dogs to gain some practice. As much as I loved and still love photography, I found that I wasn’t spending as much time with the dogs as I’d like, editing is very time consuming! That’s when this idea came about and I honestly don’t know how I didn’t think of it sooner.
Everyone who knows me, knows I’m absolutely dog mad. I'm very grateful and lucky that my business took off very quickly and I was able to leave my full time retail job within 4 months of starting. Now 5 years on, I have 3 more dogs of my own and still have some of my very first customer's on my books.


My beautiful Bentley aka Mr B gained his wings, 27th December 2019. If it wasn't for him, there wouldn't be an Auntie Jade!

Tilly, our Bull Lurcher is 10 years young. My Staffie, Dash is now 3 years old and he was closely followed by Murphy, our 2 year old Frenchie! 

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